It’s been a while since we had a heart to heart and the timing just feels right for a reset to start blogging again.
There have been some changes and a lot of reflection for me, as I’m sure there has been for you as well, and I’d like nothing more than to have a chat with you about it all.
let’s be honest: this last year was a really tough one for a lot of people, our little family included.
Emotional rollercoaster rides in every direction, I found out I have something called hypothyroidism after seeing the Dr because I felt constantly drained, tired and depressed.
Turns out lots of women I know also have this and WOW my community really reached out to lift me up, share experiences and show me first hand that this was something I could work out. Thanks!!!
Rollercoasters are usually something I love, especially those ones that go upside down so fast that you can’t hear yourself scream. Family rollercoasters on the other hand are not welcome, yet here we are on that ride that we can’t exit so we just have to hang on, scream, and hope we make it out on the other end.
So wellbeing is as always a work in progress. Luckily Luca always reminds me to go for a walk. In fact we’re heading down to the village later this afternoon just to get out of the house. Maybe an icecream, what say you??
Summer here in the valley is the best place to be, our home being all rock stays wonderfully cool. We keep the shutters open in the night and I can hear the river as I drift to sleep.
During most of the year we share our home with guests in the Loft Apartment, this year it’s been busier than ever as people in Turin come to escape the city.
The balcony has had an update, Sam made planter boxes from an old bed, we painted the railing, got a bunch of flowers from the market in the village, petunias, geraniums, lavender, and a yellow climbing rose a friend gave me. It’s my favourite view now through the kitchen windows (oh he took the bars from the window as well).
What I’ve come away with from the past few years is just how much we need real connection and community, and that thought has lead us to create something that we’re really excited about – Renovating italy Club
If you’re renovating or planning to renovate come join us, my thinking is to connect and network with each other. The Club is just a month old, come along and be inspired, make friends, and if you have a business then we’d love to hear about it.
That our journey has inspired so many of you to start dreaming, to think ‘why not’, to take action and start moving toward your goals just lights me up.
I can’t help thinking about where it all began and the gathering momentum that bought us to this point. Passion, connection to a place, and yes inspiration all played a part, but not stopping when everything seemed against us as well.