Since starting this blog it has been you my friends who have kept our spirits up, encouraged, shared and given our family a gift I never imagined that day I wrote my very first post.

This has been a long time coming yet now the time is here to finally share with you our great news I feel overwhelmed with gratitude. I’d love you’d like to know how I feel right now so please take a moment to listen to this track and know that I am sending these words to you.

A movie that has long been a huge favorite of mine, and although the context is out I hope you’ll get the sentiment. This song still has the power to move me to tears and is one of my special ways to say thank you.

On Monday our house sale went unconditional, it was also a day fraught with emotional overload around a family issue we’ve been working through. I found it almost impossible to share our great news with you all then, so now is our chance to sit back and take it all in.

This dream we dreamed is underway, we move from our home next week and head to Scarborough to finish off the units.

Then yes at last board that plane and head off into the unknown adventure that we have so longed for.

Our plans are to leave from Melbourne (where the tough part awaits…saying goodbye to my Mum, family and friends) late February. Which means our children will get to see out the school year with friends and we will miss an Italian Winter and go straight into Spring.

So I’d like to dedicate this post to all the dreamers out there who dream big dreams….without you all the world would be a dull place indeed.

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