I’m sure my brother always meant to travel one day, older than me by four years he was a home body. I heard he’d applied for a passport, and that he knew how to ski. After he died I found out many things about my big brother that I never knew. And luckily in the years before, we reconnected and started to share our memories. One thing that always secretly delighted me when I’d visit was that he had an image I’d sent him as his screen saver. I expected racing cars or his yellow peril Ford GT but no it was this image he wanted and saw each time he opened his computer.
Once someone changed the photo yet sure enough there it was back again shortly after. I always wished he would come and visit us in Italy, all those crooked houses would have sent him nuts. He trained as a fitter and turner which meant he worked to a fraction of a millimeter. He once surprised me by letting me drive his car, and showing me his dream home a few streets from where he lived with Mum, he often did that…surprised me!
Each email joke he sent me I saved to a folder called Brad, he would send so many that I would often file them without opening. Every now and then I go to that folder and open another (there are hundreds enough for a lifetime) and have a laugh with him. I’m taking a little of his ashes with me to Italy and sprinkling them at Monza, I like to think of him under the Italian sun at last.
I miss him so.
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