You can change the email address associated with your account. Here’s how:
- Sign in to your account.
- If you’re redirected to The Club homepage after signing in, select “My Account” located in the top right of the screen.
- Once you’re in your account, go to “Your Account” and select “Edit.”
- Enter your new email address, then select “Save.”
- Open your inbox where you will receive an email from The Renovating Italy Club with the subject line "Please verify your email address" and a link to confirm your new email address and complete this change.
- Note: If you do not see the confirmation email, we recommend checking your spam folder. But if you need further assistance, please reach out to us.
That's it! All Club communications will be sent to your new email address. You will also use this new email to sign in to your account.
- Note: to update the email address at which you receive Atlantic newsletters, please subscribe to the newsletters using your preferred email address. You can stop them from being sent to your old email address by unsubscribing.
If you are having any trouble changing your email address, please feel free to contact us