I’ve been hiding out!

Tweaking the website, fixing & re shuffling my life online. Convinced that if I can only get this part of my life sorted then everything else will fall into place.

When I first moved to Italy I vowed to re-connect my disconnected little family,  ‘learn Italian’ practice Yoga, walk each day, make friends, travel and create a simpler life. Years later and it’s still a work in progress and now I’m hiding out.

My inbox & facebook feed has been filled with “Life is Wonderful YAY isn’t everything just FAB” posts.

I have to say they drive me a little bit batty.

Of course I aim for my life to constantly be better, but it just reflects how far from reality it’s all become.

So there are a few things I would like to leave behind, namely hiding out!

Here’s my hiding out short list:

  • We have become addicted to our tech. (Our family can often be found online, (with Carina often having both her tablet and her mobile phone going at once).
  • I’m a slave to my online life. With my determination to ‘build my brand’ I’ve devoted all my time to my laptop. (There is always just one more thing that needs doing, learning, or sharing, & my online inundation seems worse than ever)
  • I’m craving  connection, but I rarely leave the house. (Why venture out when I have so much to do here?)
  • And that’s why I am making my life about Connection!

    A time where I finally commit to getting out of my own shell and experience things, people, connection, community and most of all, myself, out in the real world.

    I hope you’ll join me!

    PS When I asked Luca which was his favorite day EVER he instantly replied ‘the day in the park with the bike, bestest day ever’