At this time of year the online white noise becomes almost unbearable, ‘set goals’ – ‘choose your word for the year’ – buy buy buy – competing, selling stuff, networking, it’s all so ‘driven’ and I am giving myself permission to opt out, to press the ‘Reset Button’ as one of my favorites online Cerries Mooney shared recently.
The idea of a ‘Reset Button’ really resonated with me, thanks Cerries I love your outlook on life.
The ‘Reset Button’
All around me I see others sharing big plans for the future, posting about workshops and webinars and eBooks, and I am yet to achieve all my goals.
I find that I could research forever and never take a step forward, that I’ve been ‘writing a book’ for ten years but don’t have a first chapter completed. That I’ve been going round in circles chasing my tail.
Luckily my darling husband tells it straight, he is always the one to remind me of all that I have achieved, of all that I have to share and he doesn’t listen to my excuses.
I have decided to push the ‘Reset Button’ and it feels good!
Sam and I have been working together each night to ‘create’ next year. I’m getting back to basics, back to posting here, back to sharing.
I’m feeling that it’s time to return to our roots, to rediscover the dream we created moving here, to nurture our health, to simplify, to connect with friends and to share the joy I find in the Simple Life we are living.
This last year I’ve been away from the blog, I’ve been finding it hard to write, to share, to create, for a number of reasons.
The ‘white noise’ took over and I got lost in the online world of creating a business, posting to social media, trying to figure out Instagram (nope I don’t have a mobile phone), subscribing to so many ‘experts’ in the hope of creating an income.
I’ve been driven by the thought of making some moola, feeling driven to find a way to contribute financially to our life here.
It wasn’t until our trip to Genova that I saw how far I’d drifted.
My dear friend Di Mackey reminded me in her gentle way, (she and I tend to have a million ideas with little action lol).And so … it’s begun. And it is time.”
Time to press RESET!
Thanks for listening