Have you ever longed for something,  I mean really longed for it? Every part of me aches to be wandering cobbled lanes with antique doors and ornate lions head door knockers. To be soaking up the sunshine in a tiny piazza, while Carina and Luca splash each other in the nearby fountain. Wandering hand in hand with my very Italian husband who can relax at last, he has nowhere to get!

Longing, Longing, Longing every moment my mind wanders.

I am neither here nor there….

Each day I say “we’ll be going soon, just waiting on the finance” the only thing I have ever longed for more is when I trying to fall pregnant with Carina. We lost our first little boy Aaron a day after he was born and it seemed like I would never be able to have another child.

I drove my husband mad with all the fertility tests and calendars. Friends would say “you want this baby too much” – how can you long with all your being just a little bit? And finally after nine months of fear she arrived all pink and perfect. Our little boy Luca followed two years later a day after Aaron’s birthday….longing.

It seems that I am living my life here in Australia in high definition, absorbing every voice, place, scent, taste, and everything that has made this home for the past eight years.

It is in this photograph from a long time favorite of mine Carla Coulson that I clearly see my longing to hold a moment in time.

Whenever we step outside the door we each have a camera and I record the smallest things that I would never have thought of before.

We take a day off school to play hooky and visit the Henri Cartier Bresson exhibit at the Art Gallery. Skip stones in the pond at the entrance, milkshakes and tiny perfect cakes from a café, both kids wandering the gallery saying a big “Hi” to each of the guards and stopping to show one the drawings they did in the section filled with statues.

A perfect day…..remember it, record it, store it away.

What is it that you long for…?

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