Arriving in a new country  can be a shock. Although we planned (a lot) and my husband spoke fluent Italian things were still difficult to start with.

When we bought our first house in Piedmont at Borga Nari, we had no idea that it came with an instant set of Grandparents for our children. They adopted us with a passion, and gently guided us through the intricacies of life in Italy.

Even though my Italian was limited I always felt the love. This kindness meant that our children got plenty of bear hugs, presents on special occasions, and constant kisses and love from Piera and Claudio.

I honestly don’t know what we would have done without them to watch over us.

Our neighbor Claudio has been there when our Van broke down on the mountain, when I was taken to hospital he rushed to be with me, for early morning shots of sambucca with us, for celebrating, laughing and sharing a pizza with pineapple on top!

So this post is dedicated to kindness of the Italian people who always made us feel welcome…. and even shared garden tools with very small boys.

Who was it that made a difference in your life and how? I’d love you to share….