Do I live with passion?

Are you kidding?

My passion is travel, ever since I was a kid I wanted to get out and see the world. I blame it all on my love of reading and my families artistic bent that had me longing for a chance to view the greats first hand.

There was never any doubt that I would travel, I was the first of my siblings to leave Australia. I went for a ten week trip to England and stayed almost four years.

When once asked for a word that summed me up I chose “excitable” it’s sometimes exhausting being so passionate about life. That was until I met my husband Salvatore (or Sam as he is called in Oz). He had never left the country and was keen to go to China. That ‘s right, full on Italian family and he longed to see Asia.

It took us some time, a marriage and three children before we set off but we did it. There was never any doubt, I met my match another gypsy soul with an Italian passion.

Together we discovered a passion for renovating, which led us to an Italian passion. We have been renovating houses since we met, and now we are up to number fifteen in as many years. Soon we will be starting on our house in Italy. A big job but I can’t wait to get started.

Most of my friends think me a little odd as I’d rather be up to my elbows sanding, filling and painting than at the shops looking for the next pair of shoes.

I get passionate about abandoned villages, dirt floors, vaulted ceilings…history and tradition!

Now, at last all my loves have collided. Art, photography, travel, writing, renovating, and singing loudly and out of tune in the car. Blogging has become my newest Italian passion. It’s intense, a way to connect with you all. Like having a great conversation with someone who loves the same things, and not wanting to stop.

The wonderful part has been meeting other bloggers who are equally passionate. I’ve made friendships I’m sure will last forever, that feel like the oldest of friends.

I thought I’d share some with you, each one has touched my life and made it better, passionate, generous, incredible women….thank  you all. xx

Carla ~ Carla loves Photography

Di ~ Di Mackey

Michele ~ Bleeding Espresso

Francesca ~ Postcard Pictures

Krista ~ Rambling Tart

Catherine ~ The Divorced Lady’s Companion to Living in Italy

apologies to the friends I have missed here, I’ll keep adding when I get the chance there are just so many of you. xxx

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