‘You may have the Universe,‌‌ if I may have Christmas in Italy’

The arrival of our first Christmas card had me thinking as I lay in bed last night.

How will I make this Christmas special for the kids, and all I could see was them opening cards like I did when I was a kid. Mum would always save them for me to open and my brothers always got to keep the stamps.  I love Christmas cards, sending them and receiving them in the mail. That one card arriving at our house up in the mountains made my day, it took me back to my childhood and all the excitement of Christmas.

‌Friends and family could tell you that I have a bit of a Christmas card tradition. Since my teen years I’ve been saving my favorite cards each year. I have them from as far back as the 70’s and any that included a letter I always kept.

Each year at Christmas I put out some of my favorites usually the ones from Nana, Brad, Auntie Billie, Auntie Iris, Uncle Stan, ones from my Mum, just ones I love. This year they are safe and sound along with all my Christmas decorations at my Mums house in Melbourne Australia.

So I was thinking that this year it would be wonderful to get a Christmas card from you, perhaps with a little story, or thought about the season, maybe a drawing, a little note about your dreams and hopes for the New Year. I’m already imagining them hanging along the beams in the lounge, the beginning of a new collection, a special way to bring each of you into our home this Christmas and beyond.

Imagine the look on the postman’s face if hundreds of Christmas cards start arriving in Malpertus…..

Send a Christmas card if you are able – ho ho ho love Lisa xxx

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