Your life is made up of little moments, little efforts, little changes, big smiles, and all your hopes and dreams.’’

Ritu Ghatourey

A fraction of a second caught on camera, smiles….always smiles, but of course it’s not always like this. In fact right now, a few moments ago, an argument over nothing….hurt feelings and nonsense. I could tell you all we’ve achieved up till now, all I hope we’ll achieve this year, but really all I want these days is more of these moments…..more smiles and less tears, more embrace and less attack, more co-operation and less head butting, longer moments like these that turn into years to come.

I can live with less….but I want more.

Am I the only one that struggles, the only one that smiles for the camera no matter what….hoping to expand all these fractions of a second, expand them into a life here we all love.

This year is already a week in, lots of love, laughter, friends, tears and yes arguments…..we’re just a normal family doing an extraordinary thing. How about you, what little moments would you like this year, what dreams to fulfill, …..what will you create??

I’d really love to know, I hope your little moments of joy increase daily, here are some of mine, little Italian moments from the past nine months since leaving Australia xxx

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