Hopefully the floor will be finished next week and then we can start getting the heating in, Sam is meant to pick it up on Saturday. The house is getting a little cool in the evenings which could be due to the fact that we have no window in the lounge so the evening breeze blows straight in.
I’m not sure where the window actually went only it was taken out to put in the rock windowsill.
The art of finding, moving, fitting and laying these massive rustic Italian slabs of rock has me wondering just how long it took to actually build our house. I remain totally fascinated by the entire process and soak in any information I can find. I can’t wait to have a lounge room again and space to put my books, a big rug and a little desk to write at, my idea of heaven.
Through the week we have had many visitors which is a wonderful part of Summer. We got to meet up with Richard and Allegra from Living in the Langhe and spent the day talking non stop. They are also renovating and Richard blogs so I was in my element. They are expecting a baby which took us right back to the early days with Carina, ahhhh renovating with a baby now that’s a big adventure.
Richard wrote a wonderful post about the visit titled ‘Really Renovating Italy‘, it was great to see ourselves through their eyes and know that what we are doing here in our rustic Italian hideaway can be inspiring to others. Carina was totally smitten with ‘Otto’ who is the most gorgeous beloved little dog and she has been dropping hints ever since.
We also had a visit from Canadians Marj (pictured above on the right) and husband Lloyd, these two are volunteering in Bobbio and are almost at the end of a two year stint in Italy. Marj has just taken Italy into her soul and has the most beautiful excitement and enthusiasm which just shines from her.
Lloyd and I wandered along talking about parents and life and eating the blackberries, we met up with Antonio and his friend (above with the stick) who are both in their 80’s and we struggled to keep up with them. So many stories and a life time of knowledge and friendship, just beautiful to see. We did try our first batch of stinging nettles out on Marj and Lloyd and now have a free readily available replacement for spinach.
Sheila and Adrian came to see the house and stayed for lunch, we only recently met at a birthday party. Wonderful conversation and as they also love renovating and have a house we are yet to visit we had plenty to talk about. Sheila has such a vast knowledge of the history, traditions and building styles of the valley. She showed me the difference between the original lime and more modern cement used on the walls of the buildings and explained the differences and now has a convert. She is the queen of all things rustic Italian.
Friends from Gambasca also spent a day with us, we had another great walk and Marina and I talked about the kids, schools, and life as we walked. They have two boys so Carina and Luca were happy playing Lego, sunning on the river rocks and yes eating more blackberries. Funnily enough the men were happy to stand talking at the riverbank right next to two buxom ladies wearing bikini’s one with a g-string.
This year we are expecting visitors from Australia and America, I can’t wait to show them around. It is as we say in Melbourne getting ‘busier than Bourke Street’ x
In my quiet moments I have started rediscovering my creative side, experimenting with different effects for my photos and finally getting started on my book. Notice how I slipped that in right at the end in tiny letters, just so nobody can hold me to account…. it’s now in writing ….My Book!