Some days our Italian renovation,  even the dream home in Italy, has an overwhelming feel to it. Every single place I look something needs to be done. Where to start, what needs doing first, how’s the budget going?

I find the best way to start is to visualize the end result. I have little visual areas in the house, places I can glance at through the day to give me a glimpse of how I imagine it will all be….one day soon.

On the day that Sam took these photos none of those little areas are in view, this is the reality of our house at this moment in time. Nothing changed, nothing moved for the photo or rearranged, just daily life in our rustic Italian renovation.

It may never be glamorous, actually it’s highly unlikely that it will ever be glamorous, eclectic chic I like to call it.

So this is reality for now… imagination has plenty of room to play here, and I like to let it run wild.

house kitchen
pinterest dbl
house master
house guest
pinterest dbl 5
house hall dbl
pinterst dbl 4
house deck
house porch
pinterest 6

I’ll continue to update you all on our Italian renovation, and the ups and downs along the way.

Don’t forget to dream, share your dream with us here…..I’d love for 50 dreams to come true!

We will be in Paris for my 50th next year … you’re ALL invited x

inspiration board images via home on pinterest